Tang Ming gave an implementation of improved heatmap using ComplexHeatmap.
Do not show too many cells on a single screen.
- When you have too many cells (> 10,000), the
option really helps. Also consider downsample the Seurat object to a smaller number of cells for plotting the heatmap. Your screen resolution is not as high as 300,000 pixels if you have 300,000 cells (columns).
For hierarchical clustering, consult this hclust tutorial
基于Seurat数据创建clustered heatmap
0. 导入需要的包
suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(ComplexHeatmap) library(circlize) })
1. 准备数据
# 1.1 收集表达矩阵 mat = GetAssayData(t.combined, slot = "data", assay = "RNA") # 1.2 把细胞按某种想要的顺序排好 ordered.cells <- rownames(t.combined@meta.data) # 1.3 选择一列感兴趣的基因用于绘图 features.sel <- unique(c("CD3E","CD3D","CD4","CD8A","CD8B")) # 1.4 重新组织原始矩阵按行列 mat = as.matrix( mat[features.sel, ordered.cells] )
2. 对数据作层次聚类(可选)
# 2.1 层次聚类 ## 注意,mat是从Seurat来的feature-by-sample矩阵,应该转置成sample-by-feature矩阵; ## 此处选择一些基因做聚类,然后用另一些基因画zheng distobj <- dist(t(mat[c("CD3D","CD3E","CD4","CD8A","CD8B"),]), method = "euclidean") hclustobj <- hclust(distobj, method = "ward.D2" ) # 2.2 切隔树形成聚类 sub_grp <- cutree(hclustobj, k = 10) #参数k直接指定类别数,也可用参数h指定切割深度 # 打印各类里的细胞数看看 table(sub_grp) # 打印聚类树看看 options(repr.plot.width=15, repr.plot.height=5) plot(hclustobj, cex = 0.1, label=F) #画🌲,label=F隐藏样本名,不然过密不美观 rect.hclust(hclustobj, k = 10) #画方框 # 按聚类树顺序画heatmap看看 library(pheatmap) options(repr.plot.width=15, repr.plot.height=10) pheatmap(mat[,hclustobj$order], cluster_rows = F, cluster_cols = F, border_color=NA, show_colnames = F, use_raster=TRUE) # 看看要是还行,就把层次聚类的结果标签弄进metadata去 t.combined@meta.data["subgroup"]<-as.character(sub_grp)
3. 创建meta数据框,并构建annotations
meta = t.combined@meta.data[ordered.cells,] # configure colors for cell type annotations library(paletteer) cl_levels = unique(meta$subgroup) blockcol = paletteer_d("ggsci::default_igv")[1:length(cl_levels)] %>% as.vector names(blockcol) <-cl_levels colann <- HeatmapAnnotation( cluster = meta$cluster, organ = meta$organ, subgroup= meta$subgroup, col = list( subgroup = blockcol ), annotation_legend_param=list( cluster = list(nrow=5), organ = list(nrow=3), subgroup=list(nrow=1) ) )
4. 绘制Heatmap
hm<-Heatmap(mat, name = "Normalized expression", cluster_rows = T, cluster_columns = hclustobj, show_column_names=FALSE, column_dend_height = unit(4, "cm"), #column_split=meta$organ, cluster_column_slices=T, col= colorRamp2(c(0,1.5,3), c("#486E9E", "white", "#D84B59")), column_title_rot=90, column_gap=unit(2, "mm"), top_annotation=colann, heatmap_legend_param = list(direction = "horizontal"), use_raster = TRUE) options(warn=-1) options(repr.plot.width=20, repr.plot.height=20) #cairo_pdf("XXXX.hm.pdf",width=15, height = 18) draw(hm, padding = unit(c(10, 10, 30, 3), "mm"), #下左上右 merge_legend = TRUE, heatmap_legend_side = "bottom", annotation_legend_side = "bottom") #dev.off()